A Simple but Great Way to Monetize Your Hobbies and Skills

How's everyone doing?

I can't believe a month from 2022 has gone by. It's officially FEBRUARY. It's my birth month and I'm hoping that there would be more satisfying plot twists this time! 

Quick life update:

As I may have blabbered in my other posts, I've been working from home pretty much since the pandemic started. There are ups and downs, pros and cons, you get what I'm saying? But, at the end of the day, everything's still working fine, somehow. And I couldn't be more grateful for that. I'm actually staying at my late paternal grandparents' house right now. This is like the fourth time I changed location since I stopped working in my office. Do I like staying here? Not 100% to be honest. But there's pretty much nothing I can do right now since I still can't go back to my 'normal' life. Is it all bad? Not really. Since I don't have to travel from my dorm to my office, I can actually go on full-scale energy saving mode! I haven't gone out for more than two months now because first of all, I don't know this city anymore; I haven't lived here since I was 13 years old. I have been visiting from time to time over the last five years, but I never really stay here for more than 48 hours. Second of all, I know everyone's sick and tired of hearing this, but yeah - Covid seems like it's not yet done with its temper tantrum. So, humans, beware!

While I may not be getting the necessary steps to get in shape, once I log off from work, I can easily switch to "artist mode" and turn my WFH desk into a painting desk! Score! 

What's an artist got to do with all the free time? Take advantage of it, of course!

I guess the silver lining of my (semi-forced) hermit mode is having an insane amount of time to work on my art. I get to chill and enhance my creativity the best way I know how. And speaking of creativity, did you know that there's a cool way to earn from your hobby or passion? Exactly a year ago, a good friend of mine introduced "Buy Me a Coffee" to me and gave me that much-needed nudge to create my own profile. So, with a lot of time in my hands and good Internet connection, I signed up and started uploading some of my artworks on my page. It's super easy and setting up an account is FREE! I enjoy writing on the "post" part because it's pretty much like my blog wherein I can freely say what's on my mind. I love the fact that I somehow found a separate "blog" just for my art journey. 

You get "supporters" who can really can support your hobby or passion whether it's writing, singing, teaching or in my case, painting. It's an awesome way to connect with people who truly believe in your skills or talents. Once you set up your page, send your link to as many people as you can and they can donate as little as $5 to you. You can also upload some extras on your page such as e-book or artworks in PDF format that would be available for your supporters to download any time of the day. You can even schedule a Zoom call or host a live event such as yoga or other tutorials and the fee/payment is totally your call.

Buy Me a Coffee aims to empower individuals to work for themselves by building direct relationship with their audience. When your supporters buy you a coffee, the payment goes straight either to your bank account (there might be some bank charges) or Stripe account. 

There's no monthly fee on this platform, however, they do charge a 5% transaction fee. Creators take the remaining 95 percent, which for me is totally acceptable knowing that I am growing my audience, enjoying my craft and having the means to share it to the world through this platform.

Even though I don't really have that much supporters right now, I'm still getting enough donations (Thanks to my biggest supporter, Kendra!) that I'm really using to buy more art materials and improve my home art studio! I am still keeping my day job for many reasons, but making art has been like my personal nirvana. And I'm really glad that I found a platform that would back me up on this journey!

If you trust your skills and you know your talent could change someone's life, why don't you share it with them through this platform? If you're ready to start accepting donations or get paid doing something you love in a fun and easy way, please click here.

As a gift from me for reading this entire post, you can get a digital copy of the artwork that I used as a cover photo for this blog post. Feel free to download it here!

Peace and love!


  1. That's a cool way to earn from your skills. Many people overlook their talents and they could be using them to bless other people.

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