Welcome to the new decade!

I never thought Pink Pensieve would still be here by 2020, but here I am, still trying to dodge every single negative vibe coming my way and trying to turn tables to my favor, though that was some pretty long January we've had there! Wheew! But I'm glad that it's over and we're shifting back to some good vibes as we start this new month. I like February the most because it's my birth month, obviously. And today, I'm in the mood to share four things that have been helping me shift to a better perspective. For the regular readers, I'm pretty sure you know that I've been practicing minimalism since 2016. I've been trying to downsize my wardrobe for one too many reasons, but eventually, I found myself applying minimalism to the other areas of my life as well. If there's one word that I've been getting out of this practice, that's FREEDOM! 

If you're looking for ways to free yourself from the society's norm about having EVERYTHING, especially material things, thinking that they're going to make you happy, even though they serve no purpose whatsoever, then this post is for you! You don't have to try them all at the same time!

Just take it one tip at a time, yo!

#1 Throw away broken things and duplicates

This is like jumping head first - FEARLESS into minimalism. I'm telling you, you will feel the "chi" flowing around your living or working space once you start throwing away things that no longer serve a particular purpose. I've been doing this for years now, and I'm still doing it as we speak. It doesn't matter how big or small it is - if it's broken and irreparable, let that shit go. Don't think twice, stop holding on to the memories. Memories should be stored in your heart or mind, not in material things. Meaningless stuff are just clutter that create negative and heavy energy. LET THEM GO!

#2 Donate clothes that you don't like and don't fit anymore

It was terribly hard for me to do this when I started to walk on this minimalism journey, but, little by little, I'm getting less attached to my clothes. It doesn't mean that I'm losing my sense of style though. You just have to be very selective of your colors and signature style. Forget the trendy clothes that would only last for a few months. Stop hoarding clothes that would sit at your bottom drawer for ages. Stick with the ones with the best quality and is proven for its versatility. These days, I only keep tops that I can use for casual AND formal occasions. They are usually black. Black is timeless, elegant and chic. I can wear a black tank top with denim jeans to get a casual look or pair it with an office skirt with a blazer to switch to work mode. That actually leads me to my next point...

#3 Stick with neutral colors

Most people think that having a minimal palette is sad and boring. Well, from the bottom of my heart, I don't really care anymore! I don't wear clothes to impress anyone but myself. I just want to feel classy, empowered and comfortable at the same time. And sticking with the neutral colors has been helping me achieve exactly those feelings. I still don't have 100% neutral color palette, to be honest. I still enjoy wearing floral dresses from time to time because it has been my signature style. It doesn't matter where I'm going or what I'm doing, people have this ingrained version of me in their heads that Cyndrel comes with a floral dress - something that I love to shatter from time to time.

Having only gray, white, nude and mostly black stuff in my drawer was such a game changer! I don't have to spend hours in front of the mirror trying to match which color with what. Whatever I pick, even if I'm half-asleep, I just know that they would match!

I get my minimalist fashion style inspiration from Sara Donaldson (harperandharley.com) and Caroline Joy (un-fancy.com). If you have some time, feel free to check out their websites too! Of course, Pinterest is one of my go-to fashion inspiration when I'm running out of ideas and just need a quick motivation to be creative with my wardrobe.

#4 Do some digital de-cluttering

I got myself a new laptop last year when the netbook that I've been using all these years was at the verge of breaking. Since I got the new one, I've been trying my best to do some serious digital de-cluttering. The assload of files that I have is really haunting me and I don't like what it's doing to my brain. I just can't believe I have way too much crap that I don't even need or care about anymore. I actually made a separate post when I started on my journey through digital de-cluttering, just to make sure I would be accountable and that I would continue doing it until every single file is in the appropriate folder or category.

The freedom and productivity that you'll get once you start digital de-cluttering is unimaginable!

To be honest, I'm still not 100% done with it and it's already 2020, yo! But I'm cutting myself some slack because a lot of things really happened to me when this year started and I'll make sure to talk about them on my next posts. 

For now, do you think you can give any of these a try? What is your general idea about MINIMALISM? Is it something that you think you can practice? Share your thoughts with me in the comments' section below! Like always, I'd love to hear from you!


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