Sailor-themed Top & Faded Blue Jeans (Part 2)

Finding a quiet place in the city is like finding an oasis in a desert. Spending most of my years dealing with the hustle and bustle of the city, my soul always craves for a place where I can just be alone with my thoughts, even just for a short time. That's what I found at Chaoyang Park somewhere in Beijing. 

I feel so lucky because when I finally had time to visit this place, there were very few people around. It was heaven! Haha! 

I wanted to stay longer but it was getting dark and really cold, so, I had to cut my ME-time short. But it was a very relaxing day for me. Spending time with nature is just too magical. I tend to forget all the shitty things in life and I get a better perspective of things that usually frustrates the hell out of me.

One whole pizza just for me! Yay!


  1. Love this outfit combo hun, very parisian chic :)


    1. Awww, thanks for checking out my blog Elle! ;)

  2. Ah! The solitude.And fresh air. One reason why I fell in love with this country. Unlike most people think that China's all crowded and polluted.

    1. Dui ba! Chaoyang hao di fang, dui bu dui?! :) Also, the misconception that most places in China are really OLD~ haha~ so not true! Love their technology and means of transportation actually!

  3. The parks in China is of the best places to relax and be with nature. Missing Daning Lu park, Century Park, Fuxing Lu park!

    1. That's true!!! Bonus if you see old people doing Tai Chi! Hahaha~


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