Making Floral Bookmarks Using Watercolor

Hey guys!

October is bidding us time flies! Hope you're doing okay wherever you are. I'm just popping here quickly again to drop my latest vlog on my YouTube channel!

I've been trying to make more art these days. It really helps me a lot to cope with the world crisis that we are facing. I miss my old life...a lot of things have changed in about half a year. But I'm trying to keep up with everything. Painting is a great way for me to slow down and get back on track. So, in this new vlog, I'm going to share with you how I make my floral bookmarks. I started making bookmarks a few years back, when I was still living at my old place. During my days off, I used to just sit on the floor, set up my laptop table and take out my art materials once my roommates are off to work. During my working week, I also try to squeeze in at least half an hour making art before I get ready for bed. When I was still doing an afternoon and evening shift at work, I would paint at our common area around 11 PM before I go to bed. I can't switch the lights on in our room anymore, so I have to use the dining table at our common area - which is actually pretty big but the lights automatically turn off at 12 midnight.    

Anyway, I hope you'd enjoy watching this video! This is my painting process for sakura (cherry blossoms) and roses. 


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